
Heroclix DOTA 2 TideHunter verDC23

Heroclix DOTA 2 TideHunter verDC23

It took me a while to finish this commissioned work of a Heroclix DOTA 2 TideHunter figure as I had to wait for my "Kolinsky" brushes for hand painting I bought online. One of the secrets in hand painting with  acrylic paints ( Vallejos ) are the brushes! Crappy cheap synthetic brushes will deteriorate fast as the acrylic paints will eat up those plastic bristles during hand painting. " Kolinsky " or at least Red Sable brushes are a must!

Anyways, this little toy was made a little bit more interesting by removing the Heroclix base and re-painting it. This is fully hand painted with Vallejo Model Color paints, Vallejo Water Effects and sealed with Vallejo ( Resin ) Gloss Varnish. I tried my best to add details thru painting but the sculpt of the toy is just not as detailed as real plastic, resin or white metal miniatures.

It took me a couple of days ( maybe even 3 days ) to achieve the look of the custom base as I had to apply around 4 or 5 heavy coats of Vallejo Water Effects paints and let cure for at least 12 hours. Anyways this was a fun little project fully hand painted with my Vallejos. Thanks as always for dropping by! Until next completed build guys! Just enjoy the hobby! :)

Before re-painting photo below taken from -

Heroclix DOTA 2 TideHunter verDC23

Heroclix DOTA 2 TideHunter verDC23

Heroclix DOTA 2 TideHunter verDC23

Heroclix DOTA 2 TideHunter verDC23

Heroclix DOTA 2 TideHunter verDC23

Heroclix DOTA 2 TideHunter verDC23

Heroclix DOTA 2 TideHunter verDC23

Heroclix DOTA 2 TideHunter verDC23

Heroclix DOTA 2 TideHunter verDC23

Heroclix DOTA 2 TideHunter verDC23

Heroclix DOTA 2 TideHunter verDC23

Heroclix DOTA 2 TideHunter verDC23

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