
Hordes Skorne Mammoth WIP - Green Stuff Modifications

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I have mediocre sculpting skills ( as of now ) but hope to improve in time. I wanted to take up Sculpture back in college but my Dad did not allow me to, so I ended up taking up Advertising ( I know... kinda corny ) in Fine Arts. Now that I am very old ( lol ) and working as a Lead Flame Visual Effects Artist ( and earning for my family ), I think it is about time I revisit my desire to learn sculpting. I have a ton of Gunpla commissioned works lined up this year, but will definitely learn and practice sculpting and hand painting ( miniatures ) next year ( 2016 ).

Anyways as I've said I am still mediocre in sculpting. But my noos sculpting skills did not stop me to modify this beautiful Hordes Skorne Mammoth Gargantuan resin kit. The photo below shows some minor gaps or unwanted spaces in between parts that I needed ( or wanted ) to fill. I used Green Stuff for this type of work as Green Stuff takes longer to dry and has very good texture for sculpting. It dries to a hard rubbery plastic material when mixed evenly.

See the link below as I also use Green Stuff for Battle Damage effects on toy customs and Plastic robot kits...

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Other than the usual Green Stuff gap filling and some additional sculpts to enhance the gaps ( see photos below ). The main modification on this resin kit is the addition of the "cannon balls". I used a Tamiya Epoxy Putty for the cannon balls ( as they dry faster than Green Stuff ). I intentionally did not make perfect balls as I thought the imperfections will match the sculpt of the resin kit. I used brass rods before adding and sculpting the blast and smoke effects. I hope this looks cool and menacing once painted. The cannon ball effect should add more energy to the look of the kit.

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Well that's about it. I hope you try using Squadron's Green Stuff on any of your project soon! May it be plastic robots ( Gunpla ) you are trying to enhance OR highly detailed and quality resin or white metal figures like here in this post. Thanks as always for dropping by! Until next post guys! Just enjoy the hobby! :)

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Hordes Skorne Mammoth Green Stuff Modificationsphoto

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Hordes Skorne Mammoth Green Stuff Modificationsphoto

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