
G-SHOT 2011 Best Customized - Angelo Guibone

G-SHOT 2011 Best Customized - Angelo Guibone photo

I am a bit late here but I am nevertheless very proud to present you the winner of the G-SHOT 2011 Gunpla Photo Contest by Gundam Guy!

The winner of the Best Customized category is Angelo Guibone aka MDgelo. MDgelo has been one of the top Gunpla modelers and customizers in the Philippines and an active member of MechaPinoy since he joined the fray back in 2009.

He represented the Philippines at Bandai Action Kit Universal Cup ( BAKUC ) at HongKong back in 2009 and has won a lot of local competitions since then.

MDgelo is not as active both in the net and in Gunpla modeling last year but continues to produce great customized Gunpla kits once in a while. I sincerely wish more masterpieces from my fellow Filipino modeler this year and the years to come! Best Customized Gunpla belongs to MDgelo of the Philippines this year!

More entries and the Official announcement at Gundam Guy's! Here is the link guys...

G-SHOT 2011 Best Customized - Angelo Guibone photo

G-SHOT 2011 Best Customized - Angelo Guibone photo

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