
WIP: GW LOTR Mordor Orcs - Basing Done

GW LOTR Mordor Orcs Basing Done photo

I managed to work on my first ever miniatures last night and earlier today and I am excited to show you my first " basing " attempt.

These are 24 miniatures of Lord of the Rings Mordor Orcs from Games Workshop. They are half the size of your usual Warhammer and WarMachine / Hordes miniatures but they pack enough details and are very cheap. The price and the smaller size of these minis makes for great practice pieces as I will find other minis huge once I work on other kits ( lol ).

First I added bits and pieces of styrene on all the bases and then I glued ( wood glue ) some aquarium sand on them. My eldest daughter was the one who sprinkled the sand on the glue. I then primed all of the figures flat black and let cure overnight.

Earlier today I overbrushed ( drybrushed ) some light grey over the black figures and I eventually started on painting the bases. All washes and paints are Vallejos. The base is almost done as I just need to paint the sides of the bases with black ( not brown ). Maybe I could also add some static grass once I get my hands on them.

For the mean time here are some photos of my progress so far... ( time to walk my dog, hehe )

Nest stop, painting the Orcs themselves!


GW LOTR Mordor Orcs Basing Done photo

GW LOTR Mordor Orcs Basing Done photo

GW LOTR Mordor Orcs Basing Done photo



GW LOTR Mordor Orcs Basing Done photo


GW LOTR Mordor Orcs Basing Done photo


GW LOTR Mordor Orcs Basing Done photo

GW LOTR Mordor Orcs Basing Done photo




GW LOTR Mordor Orcs Basing Done photo

GW LOTR Mordor Orcs Basing Done photo

GW LOTR Mordor Orcs Basing Done photo


GW LOTR Mordor Orcs Basing Done photo

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