
ZeroGunz Core Fighter Group Build WIP part 2

Ello guys, before retiring to bed yesterday I puttied up the seam lines of my CF... However, after sanding, detailing and priming... well as expected, a ton of problem areas revealed themselves. I need to reputty the error parts tonight and resand the CF tomorrow.

Anyways, the lazy boy in me prevailed... I got lazy to SB a vent thus I just used some koto parts. I then primed it immediately after detailing to check for errors... and as I've said there are a lot! hehe. I am really happy with how it looks anyways and will paint this by weekend. I can't do much Gunpla during weekdays anyways. ;)

Now here are some pics of my CF that still needs lots of clean up...

Thanks for dropping by! Til' next post! XD

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