
Quick Warmachine Game Table verDC23

Warmachine Game Tablephoto

Just wanted this quick project archived here in my blog. This is a simple Warmachine / Hordes table mat / table for me and my kids. This is far from done as my son is requesting trees ( forests ), damaged houses and more details. Looking forward to adding modular obstruction pieces and forests from time to time.

I used to play with my 8 year old son on top of the dining table but after putting up this table a couple of weekends ago, me and my son are enjoying our games so much more! We play at least 2 back to back games in the mornings and 2 back to back games in the afternoon. Yesterday ( Sunday ), we even played a game before going to sleep.

I never realized that playing a tabletop game ( Warmachine / Hordes ) on top of a custom table, makes the game 10x more fun! Looking at the opposing army on top of a painted terrain makes the experience so much more exciting.

This post is not really a tutorial on how to make a custom Warmahordes table as this is too simple in the first place. But I do hope to inspire others that making a table mat is so simple and easy. I got three ( 3 ) 2feet x 4feet styropors, cut them to shape, glued ( wood glue ) some aquarium sand, painted with cheap acrylics, and sealed with polyurethane varnish... voila! super fun table that is relatively cheap!

Hope to add more details on the table once in a while and post some battle reports sometime soon. Thanks as always for dropping by! Until next post guys! :)

Warmachine Game Tablephoto

Warmachine Game Tablephoto

Warmachine Game Tablephoto

Warmachine Game Tablephoto

Warmachine Game Tablephoto

Warmachine Game Tablephoto

Warmachine Game Tablephoto

Warmachine Game Tablephoto

Warmachine Game Tablephoto

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