thumbnail @ Anapolis


I have been partnered and sponsored at the same time by ( GTO ) since around 2010. Malvin Lim of GTO has been very generous in supplying mw with Bandai model kits before. However due to some circumstance, he will no longer supply me with Gundam kits. I could however get other awesome items as his shop! And his shop is so awesome to put in words.

I always visit GreatToysOnline at Shoppesville Greenhills, however I was told to pick up some toys for unboxing and photo shoot at GTO Anapolis. It was my first time to visit that branch which was just a 6 minute walk from GTO Shoppesville. I love the Anapolis branch, it is more commuter friendly too! It is basically just a few minutes walk from the MRT ( train ) station.

Do check out GreatToysOnline at Anapolis soon! Below is some photos of the GTO branch and a map.











Below are some Great Toys from GreatToys for unboxing and photo shoot! Stay tuned guys! Thanks as always for dropping by! Until next post! Just enjoy the hobby! :)



Aptimus Marketh Skorne Solo - UNBOXING

Aptimus Marketh Skorne Solo - UNBOXINGphoto

I have here a really quick unboxing ( unblistering ) of Aptimus Marketh. Aptimus is a Hordes Skorne Solo in white metal by Privateer Press. I love the detail and the weight of PP metal figs so much! It feels so much worth the money and feels great during game play.

This character solo is fun to field in the game as he practically collect souls of dead soldiers in the battle. Pretty cool stuff as your Warlock gets to use the soul tokens as fury tokens. Not too familiar with the rules yet, but having a cool looking model with soul collecting powers in a game sounds cool to me.

"Aptimus Marketh is one of the most accomplished extollers in the Skorne

He is so focused on the arts of ancestral magic that he prefers
the company of 

venerated ancestor spirits housed within sacral stones to
that of his living peers. 

Though somewhat aloof, his magical prowess is
unmistakable and 

Aptimus Marketh is frequently sought out to 

lend his
skill to the most worthy of skorne warlocks." - Privateer Press

Below is the link to Privateer Press with a 360 degree view of this model...

Aptimus Marketh Skorne Solo - UNBOXINGphoto

Aptimus Marketh Skorne Solo - UNBOXINGphoto

Aptimus Marketh Skorne Solo - UNBOXINGphoto

Aptimus Marketh Skorne Solo - UNBOXINGphoto

Aptimus Marketh Skorne Solo - UNBOXINGphoto

 Below are some photos of my son's ( this army is mine but my son plays it a lot due to the mammoth ) growing Skorne army... Dang have I told you I love Privateer Press metal minis? lol

Aptimus Marketh Skorne Solo - UNBOXINGphoto

Aptimus Marketh Skorne Solo - UNBOXINGphoto

Aptimus Marketh Skorne Solo - UNBOXINGphoto

Aptimus Marketh Skorne Solo - UNBOXINGphoto


Paingiver Beast Handlers Skorne Unit - UNBOXING

Paingiver Beast Handlers Skorne Unit - UNBOXINGphoto

I have here another unboxing of an old Privateer Press released metal miniature model. I got these models the other day as I try to grow my Skorne army to match my bigger Khador army. Not too aware with synergy and spells and such as I only play with my 8 year old son and my 9 year old daughter. Our game involves focos and fury these days and we now do charging, running and other abilities that both I and my kids understand.

Needless to say we are having a blast playing our Warmachine / Hordes miniatures. I might not paint as much PP miniatures soon as I will be working on my pending Gundam commissioned works but will continue to post some unboxing posts as me and my kids are also looking to build up a Cryx and Legion of Everblight army. Dang this game is so much fun now as I get to spend quality playing time with my kids ( more excuse to buy too ). Wife is enjoying watching us play these miniature battles.

I just love the metal miniatures from Privateer Press, they just feel more expensive ( lol ). The newer plastic sculpts rival that of the metal minis, but the older plastics are okay.

"Beast handlers are a specially trained class of paingivers able to evoke

effort from the beasts under their charge and enrage them to
rampage forward with 

superlative strength and speed. A paingiver must
know and be able to take full advantage 

of the exact temperament and
limits of his beasts in order to unlock their 

most destructive

                                                                                                             -Privateer Press

Paingiver Beast Handlers Skorne Unit - UNBOXINGphoto

Paingiver Beast Handlers Skorne Unit - UNBOXINGphoto

Paingiver Beast Handlers Skorne Unit - UNBOXINGphoto

Paingiver Beast Handlers Skorne Unit - UNBOXINGphoto

Paingiver Beast Handlers Skorne Unit - UNBOXINGphoto

Paingiver Beast Handlers Skorne Unit - UNBOXINGphoto

Paingiver Beast Handlers Skorne Unit - UNBOXINGphoto

Paingiver Beast Handlers Skorne Unit - UNBOXINGphoto

Paingiver Beast Handlers Skorne Unit - UNBOXINGphoto

Paingiver Beast Handlers Skorne Unit - UNBOXINGphoto

Paingiver Beast Handlers Skorne Unit - UNBOXINGphoto

Paingiver Beast Handlers Skorne Unit - UNBOXINGphoto

Paingiver Beast Handlers Skorne Unit - UNBOXINGphoto


Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Review

Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Reviewphoto

As I've said in my previous post, I will be posting UNBOXINGs of all my Warmachine / Hordes acquisitions. I have here one of the great value Battlegroup from Privateer Press. I got this Skorne Battlegroup last weekend so to support and field my Skorne Mammoth for play with my son.

I hope to poison new players to Warmachine / Hordes and hope to provide detailed "unboxing" posts complete with the assembled models. All the models ( plastic or metal ) will be assembled and primed ( at least ) before I post them. Hopefully these unboxing posts will give you a complete look on what to expect inside any box of models from Privateer Press.

Unlike other unboxing posts all over the world wide web, I will not give you scores on affordability, value, quality and such... instead I hope the photos and the completed ( assembled and primed ) models will give you an idea if you love them as much as I do ( lol ). I have divided the photos to The Box, Inside the Box, Close-ups, The Models...


" From the distant east come the skorne, a race of merciless warriors
bent on enslaving or destroying all before them. At Lord Tormentor
Morghoul’s command, brutal cyclops savages rush forward to hew their
foes with mighty two-handed falchions, while the massive titan gladiator
slams into the enemy with the weight and fury of a living siege engine."

Contents: This starter box contains quick start rules, No Quarter mini Magazine and a complete
battlegroup of four plastic models and corresponding stat cards for
HORDES including:

  • Master Tormentor Morghoul Warlock

  • 2 Cyclops Savage Light Warbeasts

  • Titan Gladiator Heavy Warbeast


    Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Reviewphoto

    Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Reviewphoto

    Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Reviewphoto


    Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Reviewphoto

    Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Reviewphoto

    Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Reviewphoto

    Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Reviewphoto

    Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Reviewphoto


    Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Reviewphoto

    Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Reviewphoto

    Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Reviewphoto

    Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Reviewphoto

    Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Reviewphoto

    Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Reviewphoto

    Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Reviewphoto

    Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Reviewphoto

    Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Reviewphoto

    Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Reviewphoto

    Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Reviewphoto


    Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Reviewphoto

    Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Reviewphoto

    Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Reviewphoto

    Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Reviewphoto

    Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Reviewphoto

    Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Reviewphoto

    Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Reviewphoto

    Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Reviewphoto

    Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Reviewphoto

    Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Reviewphoto

    Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Reviewphoto

    Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Reviewphoto

    Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Reviewphoto

    Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Reviewphoto

    Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Reviewphoto

    Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Reviewphoto

    Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Reviewphoto

    Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Reviewphoto

    Skorne Battlegroup Unboxing and Reviewphoto

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