
PP Warmachine Khador Juggernaut Warjack verDC23

PP Warmachine Khador Juggernaut Warjack verDC23photo

Finished this last week. This is an old plastic model of a Khador Juggernaut from Warmachine ( by Privateer Press ) I got way back ( 2 or 3 years ago ). I practically used this to learn how to use the Vallejo mediums and experimented on using Vallejo varnishes as well.

It was my first time using Vallejo Mediums and experimented on some True Metallic Metal Vallejo paints with this build. I primed this with Black Vallejo Surface Primer, did some White Modulation with White Vallejo Surface primer and base coat of Vallejo Game Air Hot Orange. I then applied some glazes and blended colors with mediums for the first time.

I also used Vallejo Liquid Gold ( Copper ) as base color for the metallic parts and Vallejo Liquid Silver. Toned down the brilliance of the metallic paints with Vallejo washes ( Rust and Light Rust ) and Vallejo Game Inks ( Negro Black ).

Definitely not a centerpiece paint job but I did learn a ton in using mediums, glazes, retarders and other auxiliary products from Vallejo. I hope to do a better job on my metal Spriggan model soon.

Thanks as always for dropping by! Until next post guys! Just enjoy the hobby! :)

PP Warmachine Khador Juggernaut Warjack verDC23photo

PP Warmachine Khador Juggernaut Warjack verDC23photo

PP Warmachine Khador Juggernaut Warjack verDC23photo

PP Warmachine Khador Juggernaut Warjack verDC23photo

PP Warmachine Khador Juggernaut Warjack verDC23photo

PP Warmachine Khador Juggernaut Warjack verDC23photo

PP Warmachine Khador Juggernaut Warjack verDC23photo

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