
Gunpla Contest @Facebook

Me, Maverik176 and Kriz Cook is cooking up something at Facebook these past couple of days. We are thinking of setting up a quick and fun Gunpla contest soon! A fun contest should be fun for all! 

I asked away at Facebook about what 1/144 kits would people like without burning our wallets... most comments said Build Burning Gundam or any Gunpla Build Fighters kit! These prizes are affordable enough and the boxes are small enough for shipping. 

The contest entries should be nice to feature in our blogs and Facebook pages and all entries should be posted at our Facebook groups, thus the main requirement to be able to participate is to like our FB pages and groups. 

Nothing final yet in terms of rules and mechanics, except that you should post entries at our Facebook groups. So hope you like our pages for updates, and join our groups to be able to participate... Links are listed below...

Thanks for dropping by! Hope to see you at Facebook! Until next post guys! Just enjoy the hobby! :)


Cheapest Styrene Cement Substitute

PU Reducer at long last!!! As usual, I am a bit broke and the closest hobby shop to my place is a couple of hours, maybe even 3 hours away. So I decided to hunt for a can of PU Reducer as substitute for Tamiya cement today.

I have heard of the PU Reducer from MatanglawinX. I think MatX has been using PU for years now. Karl Nualla of Mechapinoy also told me that he uses this instead of Tamiya cement. So I am pretty sure this is good stuff as I trust the skills and choice of materials of both those modelers.

I have not tested the PU Reducer yet, but  according to research they melt styrene much the same like Tamiya cement does, albeit a bit stronger. I should be able to test it tomorrow as I work on the diorama of my GBWC 2015 entry. I will be melting a lot of styrene for that diorama, using Tamiya cement was never an option. Glad I was able to find this today!

A litre of this Hudson PU Reducer costs half ( 130 pesos ) of the bottle of Tamiya thin cement ( 260 pesos )... can't do the math, but the PU Reducer is such a bargain and should last forever! 

Thanks as always for dropping by! Until next post guys! Just enjoy the hobby! 


MG Sazabi verDC23 WIP - concept phase

A crazy idea struck me today while I was working on a couple of commission works. I suddenly thought of wasting a couple of expensive kits and kit bashing them together... Voila! MG Sazabi verDC23! Lol

This is basically just the concept phase, I should be tweaking the kit bash as I go along. Of course I need to blend both parts together during the modification phase of the build and during the painting phase. This is so far from how it will look like eventually. I am getting so many crazy ideas as I look at my own pics.

I am very happy with the MG Sazabi ver Ka, although unlike the opinion of many that the kit is very detailed already... I think there is so much room for modifications and details! This project should be crazy fun! 

I thought of keeping the project a secret, but the usual me cannot help but share my idea to all! Oh well, old habit of sharing too much die hard. 

Thanks as always for dropping by! Until next update guys! Just enjoy the hobby! 


3,ooo,ooo views for DC23mecharts!!!

Thanks a TON for the support guys! My humble free blog has now reached more than 3,ooo,ooo views! 

3,ooo,ooo views eventhough I have been a bit inactive here for the past 3 years and have yet to update my galleries with better and newer builds. 

Real life work has been killing me this year, but hope to be more active with blogging and Gunpla next year. Too much of anything is bad, and I have been working too much this past year. I hope to find the right balance between my day job, my kids and my hobbies next year.

I will also be focusing on my old commissioned works for the next few months, then will be back to the drawing board for my GBWC 2015 entry! 

Please continue to support my humble free blog, my Facebook pages and my Instagram account ( @dc23_mecharts ). I must say I am most active at Instagram these days as it is so easy to access on my iphone. Feel free to drop me some questions regarding the hobby at Instagram and my Facebook page below...

Once again, thanks a ton for the support! Just enjoy the hobby guys! Until next post!!! 😝😍😊


Toymaker vs DC23: Star Build Strike Gundam Challenge

Kenny Lim aka Toymaker and I decided against working on the HGUC Rozen Zulu. We thought of working on the HG Star Build Strike Gundam instead. 

My kids love the anime and I think Kenny was influenced by some kids too. We think working on this kit will bring out the kid in us, instead of working on the more menacing looking Rozen Zulu.

My daughter got the kit as a prize at Gunpla Builders World Cup, where she won as 2nd runner up. She already snap fitted the kit a while back. To add more fun to the build, I bought the meteor hopper today.

This will be a fun side project as I work with a ton of pending commissioned works. This challenge is also a warm up as we work on the PG Unicorn as our main challenge next year. 

Hope you enjoy our mini challenge. We will be posting a ton of updates at our Facebook page soon...

Thanks as always for dropping by! Until next post guys! Just enjoy the hobby! :)

Toymaker vs DC23: HGUC Rozen Zulu Challenge

I have been away from playing with plastic robots for a little over a month now, but should be back next week! Me and my team just made local television history last month and hope to do so again sometime next year. 

I did miss going home to my Gunpla mancave though and should make up for lost time very soon! 

Me and Kenny Lim aka Toymaker thought of warming up before our much anticipated ( lol ) PG Unicorn Faceoff next year. We agreed to work on a quick project that we should finish before this year ends. Basically we will be working on a weird HGUC Rozen Zulu kit! 

The HGUC Rozen Zulu kit should be the perfect kit to work on! It has a very interesting design and is relatively big for a 1/144 kit. The mini faceoff should be fun! Hope you stay tune for updates! Both me and Kenny will be updating our separate blogs and Facebook pages, but will also update our FaceOff Facebook page regularly with photos of this Project!

Thanks as always for dropping by! Until next posts guys! Just enjoy the hobby! 😝
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