
Warhammer Digital Prints are now available!

Warhammer Digital Prints Photo

New series of original Warhammer ART are now available as limited Digital Prints guys! Do check them out at our Flicker page and contact our partner in the US in Devonian Maher for orders.

The Flicker page is... DON SURATOS Digital Prints

Hope you check it out and snag a few copies for you or your friend. Each Digital Print would only be available in limited numbers ( 50 - 75 ), depending on the demand. Do contact the email below for further inquiries...

Thanks as always for dropping by! Until next update guys! CIAO! 


Traditional Dip Pen Art to Digital Art

Traditional Dip Pen Art to Digital Art photo

I love my Dip Pens! Albeit some clients like them traditionally colored ( with markers ) or digitally colored. I have this one client that needs the drawings ( illustrations ) for box art, manual and cards. Thus I scan my Dip Pen drawing and color them in Photoshop. The Aliens piece here ( and the project for Labmasu ) are perfect examples of Traditional ART to Digital ART.

As I've blogged here, there are various advantages between traditional and digital art.

I do enjoy both. And my current process of drawing on paper, and coloring in Photoshop, makes me produce a traditional dip pen and Indian ink ART, and a Digitally enhanced version at the same time.

Much like anything else, ART is a process. You need to enjoy making ART from pencil to rendering. An artist is in his own world from penciling to Photoshop work. You cannot jump to details OR you cannot be effective in any part of the process, if you did not enjoy every step of the process. ART is unlike office work where the boss jumps at the end and critic your work without understanding the process. Enjoy it and it will reflect in your final piece.

I hope you find this post insightful at the very least. Thanks as always for dropping by! Until next post guys! CIAO!

Traditional Dip Pen Art to Digital Art photo

Traditional Dip Pen Art to Digital Art photo

Traditional Dip Pen Art to Digital Art photo

Traditional Dip Pen Art to Digital Art photo

Traditional Dip Pen Art to Digital Art photo

Traditional Dip Pen Art to Digital Art photo

Traditional Dip Pen Art to Digital Art photo

Traditional Dip Pen Art to Digital Art photo


Dip Pen and Indian Ink Art

Dip Pen and Indian Ink Art photo

I have been drawing for commissions for a while now, but have recently shifted to using Dip Pen and Indian Inks / Acrylic Artist Inks. Much like any of my other projects, I decided to use Acrylicos Vallejo Inks for all my drawings.

Acrylic Artist Inks dries a bit faster than Indian Inks and I just love my Vallejos in general. I might try the Windsor and Newton Super Black Ink soon, but I am very happy with the flow and the quality of the Vallejo Acrylic Artist Ink ( black, sepia ) I have right now.

I think I found my tool and medium. I love drawing with my Dip Pens! Other than the "old world" charm of using dip pens for drawing, the inks are just so opaque and deep. It is waterproof and permanent and it should never fade in time, unlike other pens ( brush pens ). My ART should stand the test of time so to speak.

Much like any other craft, the challenge of mastering and using dip pens for drawings add to the fun of using them. I love the idea that I am one of only a few artists who uses this tool and medium. Plus, the diversity and the control of the width of the lines that you could produce with one nib, is just so unbelievable.

Looking forward to sharing with you a ton more commissioned and non-commissioned dip pen and indian ink ART soon! Thanks as always for dropping by! Until next update guys! CIAO!

Dip Pen and Indian Ink Art photo

Dip Pen and Indian Ink Art photo

Dip Pen and Indian Ink Art photo

Dip Pen and Indian Ink Art photo

Dip Pen and Indian Ink Art photo

Dip Pen and Indian Ink Art photo

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