
Warhammer Digital Prints are now available!

Warhammer Digital Prints Photo

New series of original Warhammer ART are now available as limited Digital Prints guys! Do check them out at our Flicker page and contact our partner in the US in Devonian Maher for orders.

The Flicker page is... DON SURATOS Digital Prints

Hope you check it out and snag a few copies for you or your friend. Each Digital Print would only be available in limited numbers ( 50 - 75 ), depending on the demand. Do contact the email below for further inquiries...

Thanks as always for dropping by! Until next update guys! CIAO! 


Traditional Dip Pen Art to Digital Art

Traditional Dip Pen Art to Digital Art photo

I love my Dip Pens! Albeit some clients like them traditionally colored ( with markers ) or digitally colored. I have this one client that needs the drawings ( illustrations ) for box art, manual and cards. Thus I scan my Dip Pen drawing and color them in Photoshop. The Aliens piece here ( and the project for Labmasu ) are perfect examples of Traditional ART to Digital ART.

As I've blogged here, there are various advantages between traditional and digital art.

I do enjoy both. And my current process of drawing on paper, and coloring in Photoshop, makes me produce a traditional dip pen and Indian ink ART, and a Digitally enhanced version at the same time.

Much like anything else, ART is a process. You need to enjoy making ART from pencil to rendering. An artist is in his own world from penciling to Photoshop work. You cannot jump to details OR you cannot be effective in any part of the process, if you did not enjoy every step of the process. ART is unlike office work where the boss jumps at the end and critic your work without understanding the process. Enjoy it and it will reflect in your final piece.

I hope you find this post insightful at the very least. Thanks as always for dropping by! Until next post guys! CIAO!

Traditional Dip Pen Art to Digital Art photo

Traditional Dip Pen Art to Digital Art photo

Traditional Dip Pen Art to Digital Art photo

Traditional Dip Pen Art to Digital Art photo

Traditional Dip Pen Art to Digital Art photo

Traditional Dip Pen Art to Digital Art photo

Traditional Dip Pen Art to Digital Art photo

Traditional Dip Pen Art to Digital Art photo


Dip Pen and Indian Ink Art

Dip Pen and Indian Ink Art photo

I have been drawing for commissions for a while now, but have recently shifted to using Dip Pen and Indian Inks / Acrylic Artist Inks. Much like any of my other projects, I decided to use Acrylicos Vallejo Inks for all my drawings.

Acrylic Artist Inks dries a bit faster than Indian Inks and I just love my Vallejos in general. I might try the Windsor and Newton Super Black Ink soon, but I am very happy with the flow and the quality of the Vallejo Acrylic Artist Ink ( black, sepia ) I have right now.

I think I found my tool and medium. I love drawing with my Dip Pens! Other than the "old world" charm of using dip pens for drawing, the inks are just so opaque and deep. It is waterproof and permanent and it should never fade in time, unlike other pens ( brush pens ). My ART should stand the test of time so to speak.

Much like any other craft, the challenge of mastering and using dip pens for drawings add to the fun of using them. I love the idea that I am one of only a few artists who uses this tool and medium. Plus, the diversity and the control of the width of the lines that you could produce with one nib, is just so unbelievable.

Looking forward to sharing with you a ton more commissioned and non-commissioned dip pen and indian ink ART soon! Thanks as always for dropping by! Until next update guys! CIAO!

Dip Pen and Indian Ink Art photo

Dip Pen and Indian Ink Art photo

Dip Pen and Indian Ink Art photo

Dip Pen and Indian Ink Art photo

Dip Pen and Indian Ink Art photo

Dip Pen and Indian Ink Art photo


The Grendel for LABMASU

The Grendel for LABMASU photo

I just finished this piece for LABMASU ( Italian Gaming Company ) today. Sketched the creature on paper using Staetdtler 4B pencil early yesterday. I got a couple of miniature model photos and a ton of description as guide. Me and the client went through the details and revisions of the sketch until I got the look of how he imagined the creature should look like. It was actually fun getting revisions online and showing the revisions right there and then.

Once the client has approved the pencil drawing ( much like all my other commissioned ART pieces ), I then scanned my drawing and colored it in Photoshop. Other than the fact that I am not too good with Photoshop ( old artist ), I really like that my pencil strokes show through the digitally colored piece.

The combination of my rough pencil strokes and the smooth transitions of digital painting, gives my piece a HYBRID Digital and traditional ART feel to it.

This will be a series of three ( 3 ) ART pieces for LABMASU. Next piece would be a Viking guy with a harpoon. Excited to produce the third piece, as it will be a battle between this creature and the Viking guy!

Anyways, thanks as always for dropping by! Until next post guys! CIAO!

The Grendel for LABMASU photo

The Grendel for LABMASU photo

The Grendel for LABMASU photo

The Grendel for LABMASU photo


Producing ART as Yourself is Most Fulfilling

Producing ART as Yourself is Most Fulfilling Photo

Producing ART ( or anything craft or skill related ) as Yourself is Most Fulfilling.

As I've said before, I am average in both Digital and Traditional Art.  And like most artists, I do have a day job, to pay the bills. But I have been focused on my craft the past week. And have been producing ART for clients ( hopefully happy clients ) like a popcorn vendor.

I was known as DC23 when I used to do Gunpla, but have been using my real name as an artist for a while now. What makes me so happy today, is the feeling that everything you do and produce, is credited directly to your hard work and skills. And you get to spread your real name in the process.

Unlike the usual day job, where you learn to work as a team and  give everything you can for a company. Producing ART for people as YOURSELF is so much more fulfilling! People appreciate what you do and in return, they get to know you by your real or pseudo name ( unlike the day job where they just get to know the company or your team ).

I am pretty sure, any artist would relate to the fulfillment of doing what you love to do. And getting paid for it,  as a bonus!

Spreading your ART is the name of the game. Sharing your passion for any craft is the extreme fulfillment. And establishing yourself versus establishing others is the greatest reward!

I hope young aspiring artists get to read this short post. Get a day job if you need one, but continue to hone your craft and skills... coz NO ONE can take them away from you. People driven by their passion will always succeed. Always.

Thanks as always for dropping by! Until next post guys! CIAO!

Producing ART as Yourself is Most Fulfilling Photo


DON SURATOS Digital Prints at Flicker

DON SURATOS Digital Prints at Flicker Photo

I could actually blog and will still do, every Digital Print that we will be releasing. But my partner in crime from the US, Devonian Maher, decided to put up a Flicker page of all the available Digital Prints at the moment. Most ( all atm ) of the available ART as of now are inspired from characters designed and produced by Privateer Press

Saw it initially in my phone in Flicker mobile mode, but then again I was overwhelmed when I saw it on my computer. I think I never had a Flicker account before. I really like seeing all my ART in one page. Awesome stuff. I should start printing my ART to put on my own wall soon! LOL

Anyways, the Flicker page is... DON SURATOS Digital Prints

Hope you check it out and snag a few copies for you or your friend. Each Digital Print would only be available in limited numbers ( 50 - 75 ), depending on the demand. Do contact the email below for further inquiries...

Thanks as always for dropping by! Until next update guys! CIAO! 


Will do Character Designs for LABMASU soon!

Character Designs for LABMASU Photo

LABMASU is a new  company who produces scenario based games with cards and miniatures. They just gave me the opportunity to DESIGN a couple of characters for them. I will need to design them for 3D printing and would also need to produce some illustrations for the rule book and cards.

I have done a couple of character design work for my day job, but you don't get much credit when doing it for your day job ( as usual ). I also sketch various characters out of imagination once in a while, but have yet to do something that would have my name in game cards and booklets!

This is totally insane stuff as I am not drawing something established or designed already, but I will actually be responsible for the birth of new characters for a game! LABMASU will be sending me the descriptions for the characters soon, and I will have to produce sketches of them from my imagination.

Totally excited for this project! Albeit I am juggling various drawing and painting projects atm. Looking forward to sharing to you some of my initial character design sketches at my Instagram, Facebook and Twitter accounts very soon!

Thanks as always for dropping by! Until next post guys! CIAO!

Character Designs for LABMASU Photo

Character Designs for LABMASU Photo


LUCANT001 available as 8x10 prints

LUCANT001 as 8x10 prints photo

This Father Lucant ARTwork is now available as an 8x10 print ( Frame is optional ). I have partnered with Devonian Maher from the States in producing this piece into much affordable digital prints. The original line art will never be produced as digital prints tho.

NOT producing the line art ( below ) would ensure that the client who commissioned me this piece will own a one off. The line art will remain as a one and only ARTwork.

LUCANT001 as 8x10 prints photo

The digitally colored version will be available for a very limited run of 50 copies only. We are selling the 8x10 prints at 20 USD each. It will be numbered at the back and will be printed on thick card stock. A black picture frame is optional as an additional 10USD option.

Email me anytime for original line art pieces at . However, ALL inquiries regarding orders for the digital prints should be emailed to Dev at...

LUCANT001 as 8x10 prints photo


Appreciation for Traditional ART is very Good these Days!

More Warmachine Hordes ART photo

I am currently working on a handful of commissioned ART at the moment. A few Warmachine Warlocks and a couple of Warhammers. So much ART to do in the next few weeks or months. I also just got commissioned to do 6 more Warmachine Warlocks ( check ), so stay tuned guys!

Although I am a digital artist / visual effects artist at my day job, I do like the trend that the appreciation for traditional ART is pretty good. Both Traditional and Digital ART takes skills, talent and time to do, but a few people tend to dismiss Digital Art as mass produced art, done by computer operators. I obviously beg to disagree, but I would need another post for that.

Anyways, I am really enjoying producing these ARTworks for my clients. Albeit I do ride my "Artist Mood" whenever I do one. Thus It could take me a day to a few days to produce each ART. I hope this trend of Traditional ART appreciation continues, as I am looking forward to producing a ton more in years to come.

The hardest part of producing Traditional ART is shipping them to clients tho. Sometimes, much like anything that you spent hours in producing, ART is difficult to let go! LOL

Anyways, will share more ARTworks to you very soon! Hope you like this post and the photos of Father Lucant in progress. Should finish this piece soon! Thanks as always for dropping by! Until next post guys! CIAO!

More Warmachine Hordes ART photo

More Warmachine Hordes ART photo

More Warmachine Hordes ART photo


Digital PRINTS will be on SALE soon!

Digital PRINTS will be on SALE soon  photo

I am currently partnering with a friend from the United States and we will be selling some Digital Prints of my artworks soon. We are still looking for ways to make it more cost efficient and finding better ways to deliver them to our potential clients. We hope to provide you the best prints possible as soon as we sort out the details.

Do hit me anytime at for any further inquiries. Stay tuned as we post artworks available as Digital Prints, here, at Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

As always, thanks a ton for dropping by! Until next post guys! CIAO!

Digital PRINTS will be on SALE soon  photo

Digital PRINTS will be on SALE soon  photo


Digital ART versus Traditional ART

Digital ART versus Traditional ART photo

I have been an artist since grade school. I am one of those little kids who rather draw than write in their notebooks, during classes. Have always been in the top 10 of my class tho, as my parents are teachers in the same school, and they will kill me if I have really bad grades.

My drawing skills could have been better tho. I took up Advertising back in College and have been doing Post Production ( Visual Effects, Color Grading and Compositing ) since after College. I should have sparingly focused on my drawing as that was 15 years of Post Production work.  My greatest regret in my adult life is NOT HAVING a SMALL SKETCHPAD during idle times. Well, It's not too late to do that, I guess.

Below is my scanned drawing. I used a Brush Pen and some Technical Pens on Paper.

Below is the sand drawing colored in Adobe Photoshop.

I am average in both, but let me share my thoughts on Digital Art and Traditional Art.

Younger artists these days are so darn good in digital drawing and painting. They have access to all sort of softwares and tools to produce their masterpieces. These young digital artists are so good with their craft, they treat their computer screens like paper!

Digital Art is very versatile and you could Command-Z ( undo ) many many times during work. It gives you so many options and you could produce a wide range of effects. Digital Art also could be easily reproduced.

NEVER ever call a Digital Artist a Computer Operator tho. Artists in general are too passionate with their craft and have taken years to master it. Calling them operators is like asking for a Death Sentence. It would be the dumbest thing to say if you ask me.

Traditional Art on the other hand is a tad bit limited to the paints and tools that you have. It takes longer to do and is a ton messier. There are no UNDOs in traditional art and you create unique one of a kind pieces. Traditional Art pieces usually have more value ( selling-wise ) than Digital Art.

However, I am more of a traditional artist when it comes to drawing, but would prefer to color my pieces digitally. I simply lack the digital drawing skills to create art in my computer, but would like to maintain a clean workspace. Basically, I draw my stuff on paper, scan them and color them. I do use markers and the occasional watercolors, whenever my clients want them fully colored but completely traditional.

Anyways, I would highly recommend younger artists to always carry a small sketchpad anywhere. Traditional pencil drawings in a sketchpad are always fun to flip around than having them in iPads. Besides, you could always scan them later to make them digital.

Hope you like this post. Do hit me at for any inquiries. Until next post guys!


Some Pen and Ink Illustrations I recently finished

Pen and Ink illustrations Photo

I started doing WarmaHordes Pen and Ink illustrations since last year. Will be working on a few more and have actually finished a handful the past month. I should finish a few within the week and will immediately post them here.

Posted here are Trollbloods illustrations and a few others. You can contact me at for inquiries regarding my illustrations. Standard size would be 8x10 Ink paper and the ARTworks ship in plastic tubes.

Anyways, hope you like what I posted so far. Until next post guys! CIAO!

Pen and Ink illustrations Photo

Pen and Ink illustrations Photo

Pen and Ink illustrations Photo

Pen and Ink illustrations Photo

Pen and Ink illustrations Photo

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