
Warmachine Hordes Weekend Photo Dump 051815

Warmachine Hordes Weekend Photo Dumpphoto

I was not too productive last weekend as me and my son played a lot of games. We just got the Warmachine PRIME MKII Rule Book ( at long last ) and enjoyed playing the games with an almost complete rule ( my son hates the terrain rules as he plays Khador ). We had to swap armies a couple of times ( Cryx vs Khador ) as he loves my stealth models.

Me and my son also got a few additional units and models for our Cryx and Khador army. I got a Necrotech and a unit of Scrap Thralls and my son got a unit of sexy Kayazy Elminators and a unit of Doomreavers. Obviously we only play assassination games, thus my son requests for assassination models. My son is also requesting for a full unit of Assault Kommandos to counter my Bile Tralls.

I did manage to squeeze time to work with the new models and some commissioned works.

Warmachine Hordes Weekend Photo Dumpphoto

Warmachine Hordes Weekend Photo Dumpphoto

Warmachine Hordes Weekend Photo Dumpphoto

Warmachine Hordes Weekend Photo Dumpphoto

As I am painting a ton of models ( commissioned works and personal army ), I thought I just mix some seldom used old Vallejo paints for the base color of the ground work. Vallejo says that all their paints can be mixed together so I gave it a try.

I used a Panzer Aces color mixed with a Game color Extra Opaque paint, thinned with Vallejo Airbrush Thinner. As expected if you know your medium well enough and is well accustomed to thinning Vallejo acrylics for airbrush use, it will work mighty fine! And it did! Great stuff as I saved my precious Vallejo Game Airs for painting the base color of the ground work of all the bases of the models in the photos below.

I was also able to do a bit of work on my Extreme Warp Wolf commissioned work and pretty happy with the dry-brushing results so far. A ton more updates and surprise Gunpla posts coming soon! Thanks as always for dropping by! Just enjoy the hobby! :)

Warmachine Hordes Weekend Photo Dumpphoto

Warmachine Hordes Weekend Photo Dumpphoto

Warmachine Hordes Weekend Photo Dumpphoto

Warmachine Hordes Weekend Photo Dumpphoto

Warmachine Hordes Weekend Photo Dumpphoto

Warmachine Hordes Weekend Photo Dumpphoto

Warmachine Hordes Weekend Photo Dumpphoto


Helga the Conqueror Minion Warlock - Commissioned Work

Helga the Conqueror Minion Warlockphoto

I finished this cool little Helga the Conqueror model at the same time as the Alexia Ciannor and the risen models. Both are primed, hand painted, and varnished with Vallejo acrylics. Nothing to write home about, but I do love the model so much. This is what is so fun about commissioned works, you get to paint and work on models you are not aware of or models that you never plan ( or need to ) buy for yourself.

I feel I painted this a bit darker than usual. The excess washes was the result of painting it at the same time as the risen models which I intended to look dirty. The washes diffused the effect of the highlights in the photos but the model looks a tad better in person. Besides, my painting are friggin zoomed in in these photos ( lol ).

I hope you like my pig ( my client's pig ). Will have more models painted next weekend! Thanks as always for dropping by! Until next post guys! Just enjoy the hobby! :)

Helga the Conqueror Minion Warlockphoto

Helga the Conqueror Minion Warlockphoto

Helga the Conqueror Minion Warlockphoto

Helga the Conqueror Minion Warlockphoto

Helga the Conqueror Minion Warlockphoto


Alexia Ciannor and the Risen Mercernary Unit - Commissioned Work

Alexia and the Risen Mercernary Unitphoto

 I just finished these Alexia Ciannor and the risen Mercenary Unit. These are commissioned works as usual with the website version as my guide for the colors. I tried to give the models a dirtier look with washes and they came out fairly okay. Here is the link to the Alexia Ciannor and the risen at Privateer Press website.

As it is obvious by now, I am not a fan of cork as basing material. I love how other painters make them look so nice and good, but I feel they are not strong enough after extensive game play. Cork base work should be awesome for display pieces definitely, but I am really afraid to use them for models for gaming.

Anyways the concept of the base and the whole unit is to try to make them look like they just came out of the ground. So I glued large pebbles around the models to make them look like so. The ground work are just aquarium sand glued and painted. Nothing special but I think I like the result. I could have painted more highlights on the models but spending even an hour per model is too much for a 24 piece unit!

All the models are darker and dirtier as usual as I painted numerous layers of washes over the models to make them look they came out of the ground. Fairly happy with the rusted looking metallics and very happy with the look of the bases.

I hope my client likes his Alexia and the risen as he gets them today! A ton more models to paint next weekend! Thanks as always for dropping by, Until next post guys! :)

I post a lot at Instagram these days... do follow me @DC23_mecharts if you like photo dumps everyday! Thanks! :)

Alexia and the Risen Mercernary Unitphoto

Alexia and the Risen Mercernary Unitphoto

Alexia and the Risen Mercernary Unitphoto

Alexia and the Risen Mercernary Unitphoto

Alexia and the Risen Mercernary Unitphoto

Alexia and the Risen Mercernary Unitphoto

Alexia and the Risen Mercernary Unitphoto

Alexia and the Risen Mercernary Unitphoto

Alexia and the Risen Mercernary Unitphoto

Alexia and the Risen Mercernary Unitphoto

Alexia and the Risen Mercernary Unitphoto

Alexia and the Risen Mercernary Unitphoto

Alexia and the Risen Mercernary Unitphoto

Alexia and the Risen Mercernary Unitphoto

Alexia and the Risen Mercernary Unitphoto

Alexia and the Risen Mercernary Unitphoto

Alexia and the Risen Mercernary Unitphoto


Bile Tralls Cryx Unit verDC23

Bile Tralls Cryx Unit painted by Don Suratos aka DC23photo

I finished these beautiful tiny models a couple of weeks ago and as always I figured I'd archive the photos here in my old blog. Unlike my usual miniatures which are mostly commissioned works, these Bile Tralls are mine and belongs to my slowly growing Cryx army.

I am still learning how to hand paint these wonderful metal models from Privateer Press. I am enjoying every unit / model I finish as I learn how to effectively and efficiently paint them. I still struggle making the metallic areas look better, but I am starting to get comfortable in painting the skin and cloth parts. I hope I do a better job with the armor parts of my next batch of finished models.

Other than liking the look of these butt naked Bile Tralls, I love fielding them against my son! He hates them so much as they can potentially wipe out his Winterguard Infantry Death Star! My son is starting to learn how to counter these Bile Tralls and he is asking me to buy a Khador Assault Kommandos for his Khador army ( smart little dude ).

I prime, paint and varnish my models all with Vallejo acrylic paints. Strong vibrant paints that I love so much! :)

Bile Tralls Cryx Unit painted by Don Suratos aka DC23photo

Bile Tralls Cryx Unit painted by Don Suratos aka DC23photo

Bile Tralls Cryx Unit painted by Don Suratos aka DC23photo

Bile Tralls Cryx Unit painted by Don Suratos aka DC23photo

Bile Tralls Cryx Unit painted by Don Suratos aka DC23photo

Bile Tralls Cryx Unit painted by Don Suratos aka DC23photo

Bile Tralls Cryx Unit painted by Don Suratos aka DC23photo

Bile Tralls Cryx Unit painted by Don Suratos aka DC23photo

Bile Tralls Cryx Unit painted by Don Suratos aka DC23photo

Bile Tralls Cryx Unit painted by Don Suratos aka DC23photo

I also struggled painting dead skin tone ( pale ) as I feel I might make them look flat. I then gave my Bloat Trall a bit of Vallejo Game Ink Green and Purple washes to give it a deader look. I hope to paint more dead looking skin tones next time but I am happy as of now.

Bile Tralls Cryx Unit painted by Don Suratos aka DC23photo

Bile Tralls Cryx Unit painted by Don Suratos aka DC23photo

Bile Tralls Cryx Unit painted by Don Suratos aka DC23photo

Bile Tralls Cryx Unit painted by Don Suratos aka DC23photo

Bile Tralls Cryx Unit painted by Don Suratos aka DC23photo

Bile Tralls Cryx Unit painted by Don Suratos aka DC23photo

Bile Tralls Cryx Unit painted by Don Suratos aka DC23photo

Bile Tralls Cryx Unit painted by Don Suratos aka DC23photo

Bile Tralls Cryx Unit painted by Don Suratos aka DC23photo

Bile Tralls Cryx Unit painted by Don Suratos aka DC23photo

Bile Tralls Cryx Unit painted by Don Suratos aka DC23photo

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